Numerology helps us to establish a relationship between various elements that make up our lives and numbers. These numbers range from one to nine. A longtime ago, numerology was considered a part of mathematics, but that is no longer the case. Numerology can play an important role in our lives.
The names given to us by our parents or our grandparents find an important place in the field of numerology. These names are not merely a way to addressor distinguish us from the other people that are present around us, but to a great extent, are a deciding factor of our personality and our future developments in general.
Any name, be it a word or a title has a particular kind of vibration attached to it. The reason being that every letter in our name has a certain number associated with it. These numbers in turn carry some particular vibrations with them. Thus, adding all the numbers that are associated with the letters of our names, gives various vibrating modules, which in turn are added up to give a final vibration pattern.
For instance, the name Hadi has four distinct letters. Each of these letters areassociated with a number. Read H as eight, A as one, D as five and I as nine. Now by adding all these numbers we get a total of 22. So there must be some particular wavelength of vibration that is being attached to this number 22.Therefore this 22 number and the vibrations associated with it is the deciding factor of the overall personality of Hadi.
Parents while keeping a name for their new born child, ponder on all the options available to them. And once the name gets decided, the child is addressed by it. As the vibrations of the names start to reach the ears of the child very frequently, she tries to encode the meanings behind the vibrations and accordingly tries to understand the environment around her.
Every vibration has some particular behavioral trends and patterns associated with it. And once your name has been decided, these vibrations start having an effect on you and guide you towards a particular path. Therefore, name numerology considerably helps us to know a person’s personality and development in the future. These future developments can be things like their studies, their health, their career growth and their life in general.